Nature does not intend to be beautiful.
It is focused on survival by accurate problem
solving. It has the ability to create both
complexity and simplicity into a perfect adaption
between organisms and habitat.
The built world is a manmade inclusion in a
global natural ecosystem. During the design
process, symbiotic and specifically mutualistic,
relationships between the built world and this
natural global ecosystem should be formed.
There are many clues available in the sciences.
( Chemistry, physics and biology )
A good building should be in harmony with its
climate similar to a whale in the ocean, an
albatross on a long flight or a cheetah on the
Savannah. Although the purpose of adaption
is survival and not creating beauty strangely
this is the ineluctable result.
To be self sustainable and or self sufficient is an
interesting challenge and the change of
perceptions of people is the key. Working with
materials to their optimum ability is part of this
objective. To be able to enclose a space with
the least amount of material by understanding
structure and the process of design,
manufacture and assembly.
So what is a building then? It is a contained
space created by humans. A space to protect,
store and support man's activities. In its most
reduced form it is a constructed microclimate.
A space where the climate inside is more
comfortable than outside. In a harsh climate
the absence of a shelter may mean death.
The act of architecture should not be reduced to
only art or a stylistic packaging exercise.
"Buildings, too, are children of earth and sun" Frank Loyd Wright
Nature does not intend to be beautiful.
It is focused on survival by accurate problem
solving. It has the ability to create both
complexity and simplicity into a perfect adaption
between organisms and habitat.
The built world is a manmade inclusion in a
global natural ecosystem. During the design
process, symbiotic and specifically mutualistic,
relationships between the built world and this
natural global ecosystem should be formed.
There are many clues available in the sciences.
( Chemistry, physics and biology )
A good building should be in harmony with its
climate similar to a whale in the ocean, an
albatross on a long flight or a cheetah on the
Savannah. Although the purpose of adaption
is survival and not creating beauty strangely
this is the ineluctable result.
To be self sustainable and or self sufficient is an
interesting challenge and the change of
perceptions of people is the key. Working with
materials to their optimum ability is part of this
objective. To be able to enclose a space with
the least amount of material by understanding
structure and the process of design,
manufacture and assembly.
So what is a building then? It is a contained
space created by humans. A space to protect,
store and support man's activities. In its most
reduced form it is a constructed microclimate.
A space where the climate inside is more
comfortable than outside. In a harsh climate
the absence of a shelter may mean death.
The act of architecture should not be reduced to
only art or a stylistic packaging exercise.
"Buildings, too, are children of earth and sun" Frank Loyd Wright